The “P-Shot” is a proven treatment for a number of sexual problems that men commonly experience including erectile dysfunction, dissatisfaction with penis size, loss of libido, and Peyronie’s disease. Most men can expect to obtain an erect penis, a firmer longer-lasting erection, a fuller penis size, and increased sexual stamina from the P-Shot. The painless treatment also helps lessen the chance of premature ejaculation through increased sensitivity and control. Your sexual sensations will be heightened which, in addition to correcting ED, will result in an increase in your personal sexual pleasure.
- Most men only need one shot to get the results they want, but some may require a second treatment for optimal results.
- The P-Shot is such a highly effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.
- The P-Shot is 100% painless.
- Nonsurgical, drug-free, fast, and safe ED treatment.
The Priapus Shot, commonly called the P-Shot, is clinically proven and demonstrated to obtain and maintain erections, increase sensation, help maintain a firm erection throughout sex, and even increase girth and length.
The P-Shot is a 100% natural, non-surgical treatment that uses growth factors from your own blood to help produce erections that are larger, firmer, and more frequent. We are proud to offers this new and innovative treatment to men suffering from erectile dysfunction or who simply desire to improve sexual performance.
Do you want to improve your erectile dysfunction, sexual drive, and performance?
Benefits of the P-Shot:
- Improves sexual performance and desire
- Increases effectiveness of prescription ED medication
- Treats erectile dysfunction & Peyronie’s Disease
- Increases sensation
- Corrects Curvature of the Penis
- Increases Girth and Length
How the Priapus Shot (P-shot) works:
Our erectile dysfunction specialist doctor uses PRP (platelet-rich plasma) derived from your own blood and places it into the phallus with an extremely thin needle that causes no pain (you will painlessly be numbed). The PRP then releases vascular growth factors to stimulate new vessels for a natural, healthy erection.
- Men 25-70 who are healthy enough for sex and want to improve their sex lives by increasing their performance can benefit from the P-Shot.
This minimally invasive erectile dysfunction treatment is performed by our board certified erectile dysfunction specialist doctor. The entire treatment only takes about 30 minutes.
The procedure itself is virtually pain-free!
We also offer Pro-nox and/or the Alpha-stim device if you’re nervous about the procedure (laughing gas). At Erectile Dysfunction Center of Nashville, we take all the steps necessary to make sure you are completely at ease.
1909 Mallory Lane, Suite 302C
Franklin, TN 37067
(615) 905-4994